Company Image Videos That Capture Market Attention

Creating Videos That Open Doors to New Opportunities & Inquiries

  • Expert planning to make the most of your budget
  • Professional directing to make sure the project runs smoothly
  • Focused on videos that will attract new business

Five Steps for Online Video Production

If you have a website or you are building a website you need online video production. This could be short clips for background videos which make your website look great, or longer videos about your company, products and services.

Whatever type of video production content you need, the good news is that the same production process applies to all of them.


Video Requirements

The first thing we do is to spend time listening to our customer to understand what they already have, and then go through a process to work out what type of video production will best meet their business goals.

These are some of the questions we often ask our customers:

  • Why do you want to make a video?
  • How will you measure the success of the video project?
  • When people have seen the video, what action would you like them to take?
  • How are you going to distribute the video (Youtube, website etc)?
  • How are you going to market the video to your potential customers?
  • Have you seen any competitors videos that are similar to the type of video you think you would like?

Discussing these questions will help us to create an outline of the project with an approximate timeline and a quotation.


Video Pre Production

This is a very important step where we do all of the preparation work for the video production. Depending on the requirements, this could take anything from a few days to many weeks. This includes a lot of work and planning to ensure that the nest step in the process is successful.

Some of the things we usually do in this phase are:

  • Prepare a Video Script
  • Create Storyboards if Needed
  • Find Shooting Locations
  • Find Actors
  • Choose the Shooting Team (Cameraman etc.)
  • Confirm the Equipment Requirements
  • Prepare the Shooting Schedule

The amount of work we need to do depends entirely on the project.

A simple one day shoot in a customer’s office may only need a few days preparation, whereas some projects require filming in different locations and even countries so they take much longer to plan.


Video Production

This is the “Fun” part of the process that is very hard work, but is also very satisfying, as long as you have done all of the preparation work properly in phase 2…

During the filming process we are trying to capture the best possible images for your project so we can create the video according to the storyboard and script that we created in phase 2.

A Filming Team can be anything from 3 people to more than 30 depending on the project and the amount of equipment needed. Some the people involved in this can be:

  • The Project Manager
  • The Director
  • The Cameraman
  • The Cameraman’s Assistant
  • The Lighting Engineer
  • The Lighting Assistant
  • Other Assistants

Filming times vary greatly, but we try to keep the time as short as possible to control costs for you.


Video Post Production

Post production is not just video editing. This is a process which includes a lot of different elements and people coming together to complete the final product.

Usually we will produce a rough edit first to confirm the main cuts to be used before we carry on with the post production steps below which include:.

  • Sound Editing
  • Lighting
  • Text Effects
  • 2D and 3D SFX
  • Color Grading
  • Final Video Editing

Some smaller video projects such as short background clips for a website may not require much post production at all, but most videos require some work before they can be used in the final edit.


Marketing & Distribution

This is one of the most important steps in the project. You have put a lot of time and energy into creating a great video, so you also need a proper plan for how to make sure people can see it.

Some customers tell us they will show the video at a trade show, which is great, but not nearly enough to make the video deliver a return on the investment you have made.

There are many different channels and delivery methods for your video and we can help you to plan for these and advise you on the appropriate budget to make sure you get the results you hoped for from the project.

To see some of our video projects please check out our youtube channel or you can contact us here.

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