Content Creation Guide​

Your Digital Marketing Boost Helper

What is Marketing Content Creation?

This is all the words, Images and videos that you use on your website, blog, YouTube Channel and Social Media to promote and describe your company and your products.

Content Creation

Why is Content Creation So Important?

Great content is the only reason people will visit or stay on your website or social media platform. This type of content must be planned and paid for to make sure it delivers on your marketing goals and helps you to receive the orders you hoped for.

GlobalSense Content is Different

We consult with customers and advise on the type of content creation that you will need to get the best possible results. We then guide you through the process, planning and supervising photography, video production and writing. We write all of the content ourselves to deliver the best possible results for you.


The Content Is Not For You!

You are producing this content for your customers not for you. Customers will spend only a few seconds deciding whether to keep looking at your marketing content, if it is boring, they will leave.

Focus on the questions and interests of your customers. Ask yourself:
“When new customers visit us, what questions do they ask about the company and what do they want to see?”

That is the vital content that you must clearly provide to them online if they are to consider contacting you.

What Makes Great Marketing Content?

We take a lot of time to create great original content, we do not reuse existing content in our websites and other marketing materials. This is important because Google has made it clear what they do and do not like in terms of your content:

What Does Google Like?

What Does Google Not Like?

Sell Your Products With Great Content!

Interesting and useful content is what we are all looking for. We try to always remember that we need to not just say what a products or service is, but also, why it is so great and different from the products and services offered by others.

Taking the time to gather this type of information will help you to deliver content that is valuable to potential customers and shortens your sales lead time by answering many of their key questions before they even contact you.

Let's See What Our Customers Say

What customers say about a web design firm is what counts, so have a look at some of the comments from our recent customers to see how delighted they are with the results they are achieving.