3 Things Manufacturers Can Do Now to Get More Inquiries from Digital Marketing

In today’s highly competitive digital market, effective digital marketing and SEO strategies are crucial for businesses to stand out. By creating high-quality and informative marketing content and ensuring that your website is optimized for search engines, you can provide an excellent user experience and build customer trust.

Effective Digital Marketing and SEO

  • Educate Your Audience: Create high-quality, informative digital marketing content that addresses common questions, challenges, and needs of your target audience. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and videos.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Ensure that your website is optimized for search engines. A well-optimized website for digital marketing will rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased organic traffic.
  • User Intent: Understand and cater to the search intent of your potential clients. A great way to do this is to create content that answers real questions that customers ask the first time that they contact you.

Effective Digital Marketing and SEO

Great User Experience (UX)

  • Clear CTAs: Make it easy for visitors to inquire or contact you. Use clear and compelling CTAs throughout the site, especially on product pages and after educational content.
  • Streamlined Inquiry Process: Minimize the steps required to make an inquiry. Use simple inquiry forms, provide multiple contact options (like chatbots, phone numbers, and email), and ensure quick response times. The more fields you have on your inquiry form the less likely people are to use it. All you really need now is email, company website and a message.
  • User-Friendly Design: A clean, intuitive website design can significantly impact the user experience. Ensure that the site is easy to navigate, the information hierarchy is clear, and essential details like product specifications and benefits are easily accessible. If you have an old website that was made using content from your company catalog in poor English it will not give customers a good impression and they will visit your competitors websites instead.

Customer Testimonials and Certifications

  • Social Proof: Showcase customer testimonials, case studies, and success stories prominently on your website. Positive reviews and experiences can build trust and encourage potential clients to reach out. Watch out for your Google Maps and Google Business Listing and make sure that you have plenty of positive reviews for customers to see.
  • Certifications and Awards: Display any industry certifications, awards, or recognitions your business has received. These act as trust signals and can reinforce the quality and reliability of your products.

At GlobalSense we have more than 20 years of experience helping Taiwan manufacturers succeed in the global marketplace. If you want your business to do better, contact our team and we will give you a free consultation on how we could help you.

Nick Vivian
Nick Vivian

I am a UK citizen and I first came to Taiwan in 1989, My family is Taiwanese and Taiwan is my permanent home.

I have been working on marketing strategy for local companies since 2005, managing website planning video production and content creation for customers in many different industries. I speak fluent Chinese and manage sales and marketing strategy for our customers.

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