Your Website Design Project Will Fail if You Don’t Get These 3 Things Right

Your company’s website is more than just an online presence—it’s a critical tool for capturing new business and building lasting customer relationships. But a surprising number of businesses, especially in the B2B manufacturing sector, find themselves disappointed by their website design projects. They pour resources into these ventures, only to end up with sites that fail to deliver results.

Why? Often, they miss out on three fundamental elements that can make or break the effectiveness of a site.

This guide, tailored for business leaders, provides essential insights to ensure your website is both visually appealing and effectively drives your business forward.


Correct Website Structure


Correct Website Structure

Google relies on the structure of your website to understand the content. If you don’t get this right, Google will not show your website to people searching for your products. You can think of it a bit like a filing system on your computer, the structure must be clear and easy to navigate or you won’t be able to find what you need.

Make sure that you know the keywords that customers are using to find your products and services. Then make sure you have pages in the website that focus on each of the keywords you are targeting. This will help Google to understand your website better and show it in search results to potential customers.



  1. Great structure helps drive website traffic
  2. Find out what your keywords are
  3. Make pages for each of your keywords


Well Written Content


Well Written Content

The content of your website needs to be professionally written by people who are good at writing marketing content. Taking the words from your old company catalog and putting them on your website will do nothing for you and will not help you get new business. You are trying to build trust with your customers, so well written content is essential to give them a positive impression of your company.

Website content is also connected to the keywords that you need to focus on and a good marketing company will be able to craft persuasive and well written content that will get your website to start ranking on Google Search. If your web design company asks you to provide the words for them, find a different company to work on your website.



  1. You need professionally written content
  2. Don’t use content from your old company catalog
  3. Write new content as often as possible


The Right Keywords

Keywords are the words that people type into Google when searching. If your website does not have the right keywords then people will not be able to find your website and you won’t receive inquiries.

If you are using an SEO company then you should check your keywords today to make sure they are the right ones. If you are able to rank on page one of Google in a few months for a keyword, it is likely the wrong one. Ranking is hard and takes a lot of time and effort so be suspicious of promises to rank rapidly on Google.

You can check yourself what search results appear in the USA or other countries when you search for your keywords. If you just search Google in Taiwan, the results are wrong. you need to use a website like that will let you pretend to Google that you’re in a different country so that you can see the real results.


The Right Keywords



  1. Check if your keywords are the right ones
  2. Rapid Google ranking is usually fake
  3. Check search results in other countries


While these insights are crucial, they’re just the basics when crafting an effective website. At Globalsense, we’ve dedicated ourselves to aiding Taiwan manufacturers in achieving success and expanding their reach in the international market.

  • An International Team of Experts
  • Exclusively Catering to B2B Customers
  • Over 20 Years of Experience in Taiwan


Your Website Design Project Will Fail if You Don’t Get These 3 Things Right

Interested in maximizing your marketing potential while ensuring cost-efficiency? Let’s discuss how we can guide you on the path to digital success. Please, reach out to us.

Nick Vivian
Nick Vivian

I am a UK citizen and I first came to Taiwan in 1989, My family is Taiwanese and Taiwan is my permanent home.

I have been working on marketing strategy for local companies since 2005, managing website planning video production and content creation for customers in many different industries. I speak fluent Chinese and manage sales and marketing strategy for our customers.

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